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Can I Drink Cardamom Tea While Pregnant?

Posted by Anupam Chakravartty Date: 03/10/2021 0 Comment(s)

Can I Drink Cardamom Tea While Pregnant?


Cardamom tea has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine to treat digestive disorders, and it's also believed to boost fertility. But there haven't been any studies on its safety during pregnancy.


Why Should You Avoid Drinking Cardamom Tea While You're Pregnant?

There aren't any known risks associated with drinking cardamom tea during pregnancy, but some experts recommend avoiding it because it contains caffeine. 


On average, 100 grams of tea contain about 11 grams of caffeine. While we consume beneficial flavonoids in our teas, we also end up consuming caffeine, which may lengthen pregnancy or may result in underweight deliveries. Likewise, for young children, tea is not advisable.


Caffeine is a psychoactive substance that improves endurance among adults. However, for pregnant mothers consuming caffeine can harm the placenta, which provides oxygen and other nutrients to the fetus. According to a study by the U.S.-based National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), caffeine is absorbed rapidly in the bloodstream which reduces the blood flow to the fetus by 25 percent. Caffeine results in lengthening of the pregnancy period, according to a study published in 2013 by U.K.-based BioMed Central, a non-profit that publishes over 250 medical journals. It has been estimated that 100 grams of caffeine reduce pregnancy by five hours. The same study states that for a baby expected to be of average birth weight (3.6kg), it equated to a loss of 21-28 grams per 100mg of caffeine consumed per day.


Children should avoid tea


In the case of toddlers and young children, consuming tea can lead to iron deficiency. Iron deficiency is marked by symptoms such as tiredness, shortness of breath, and lethargy. Tea contains certain chemical compounds called polyphenols, which bind with iron, making it harder for our bodies to absorb it.


Having listed these effects on tea, scientists studying the beneficial flavonoids, which improve immunity, protect the skin, and help reduce weight, are looking for ways to use green tea extracts beneficial for children. Under adult supervision, green tea extracts can still be applied to the skin to avoid sun damage. While many health and wellness websites prescribe giving smaller doses of green tea to children for its benefits, we suggest you visit your pediatrician for advice.

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